Update Your Information. Make sure
all of your information is up to date. Call
to check your address, phone numbers, e-
mail and beneficiaries.
Your savings federally insured to at least
$250,000 and backed by the full faith and
credit of the United States government.
National Credit Union Administration, a
U.S. Government Agency.
TIFCU Online Banking is completely safe.
Learn more
©2025 Temple-Inland Federal Credit Union. All Rights Reserved.
CU Online
Articles of Interest
Bank on your phone! Call the credit
union to sign up for the Mobile Banking App.
If you would like a copy by mail, please
contact us at 936-829-1616.
Use your TIFCU ATM or Debit card
for FREE at any of these machines.
Just be sure the machine displays
the Money Pass logo.
Our documents are best viewed wth
the newest version of Adobe Reader.
Credit Union News
109 N. Temple Drive
Diboll, Texas 75941
936-829-1122 Fax
Lobby Hours
Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Drive-Thru Hours
Mon - Thurs 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Welcome to Temple-Inland FCU
Notice Please be sure we have your current
phone numbers! We can’t stop fraud
if we don’t have a good number.
ADA Accessibility Statement
Temple-Inland Federal Credit Union is committed to serving all persons within its field of membership, including those
with disabilities. We strive to make not only our physical branches accessible, but also to conform to WCAG 2.0
guidelines for website accessibility. Our efforts are ongoing including frequent testing and updates to improve
accessibility. Should you have any problems accessing our branches or website, please call us at 936-829-1616 so that
we may promptly assist you and remedy any accessibility concerns.
Fraud Department
After Hours Hot Card Service
Routing #: 313180808
Call 936-829-1616 during
regular business hours.
2025 Loans
Up to $5000 for 36 months.
Interest rate is determined by
your credit score.
You can now take a picture of your check
and deposit it to your savings or checking
account. Just use the mobile app on
your phone.
New—Person to Person Transfers
We now offer person to person transfers so
you can transfer funds to someone at the
credit union or another financial institution.
You must be signed up for home banking to
access the P2P feature.
NEW — Remote Deposit Capture!
Looking for
a new car?
Check out our loan special!
Rates start as low as
Call for details.
Jan 20, Martin Luther King Day
Feb 17, President's Day
May 26 ,Memorial Day
June 19, Juneteenth
Holiday Closings